Club SciKidz Subscription Box Review + Unboxing | August 2018

club sci kidz review

Club SciKidz is a monthly STEM subscription box that teaches kids different science, technology, engineering and math principles. Each box features a different STEM field and expounds on it with a series of experiments, activities and crafts. Subscriptions are $34.95 monthly with reduced prices for longer subscriptions. This box was sent at no cost for review purposes.

Check out the unboxy box video

Here’s the Box Breakdown

Our first glimpse inside our Club SciKidz Box.

Everything that we received in our, “Exploring our Solar System” themed box. This looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun!


So what is all this stuff?

Our box inserts. The card lists all the items that were included in this box (in your first box you will also get a journal to record your data, tweezers, petri dishes, and goggles). The second is our activity guide that gives us detailed steps in completing the experiments included in this box.

There’s also a special page in the beginning that goes over the glossary and a page at the back that shares one scientist or innovator in this field as well as books or movies related to the field. There’s also a few pages of what they call “Microexperiments”, which take the initial activities and dig a little deeper.


Every Club SciKidz Lab Box comes with a small toy – this one kept it current by including some multi-colored galactic slime!


This card will be used in our solar system recreation. It will serve as a background!


This chart will also be used in our solar system recreation. It will serve as a guide for the size and color and other specs of our planets.


This packet of items which includes; a 9 volt battery, a propeller, 2 straws, 2 dowels, an on/off switch, a motor, a power connector and 4 wheels will be used to make our motorized space car (this is our engineering experiment and is probably our favorite).


Each Club SciKidz Box comes with a candy in addition to the other items. This month we received a pack of Pop Rocks. Our kids love these!


This packet will be used in our rubber band constellation activity where we’ll be connecting the constellations with pins and small neon bands. There’s a bottle of Mod Podge, a cosmetic sponge, pins and rubber bands included.


Our next packet is to be used in our UV Beads and Sun Print Paper activity. Included in this baggie is a pipe cleaner, UV beads, egg carton piece, sunscreen, sun print paper and a data card to record our results.


This bit of model magic will be used to form the planets in our solar system recreation.


This bag that contains a flashlight and evaporated milk will be used in our “Why is the Sky Blue” activity.


This cork trivet will be used in addition to the Mod Podge and pins in our constellation activity.


And this sheet will get glued onto the cork trivet pictured above.


Okay so now what?

First we prepped everything for our UV Bead activity and realized… (duh) that we need daylight for this one. We’re putting this on hold until the weekend… since school is in session.

Basically for this you make a bracelet and go out in the light and watch as the color changes. We can’t wait.. this sounds like lots of fun!

Next up we have our “Why is the Sky Blue” activity. We had to provide a rectangular container (which is no big deal if you buy sliced cheese at Costco!)

We set our index card at one end and shine our flashlight through the other side.

Little by little we add the evaporated milk to the water to see how the beam changes. This was pretty cool and reminded us a bit more of the “abyss” than it did the sky.

Then we moved on to our constellation trivet.

We apply the Mod Podge to the trivet so we can attach our constellation sheet.

Once we apply that we apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the top as well.

Next we choose a few constellations that we’d like to pin. We didn’t think the girls would be as choosy as they were but… they sure were. They put a lot of time in selecting the right constellation with the right colors! We think this was their favorite of all the activities included this month.

Second to last is our solar system recreation.

We formed all of our planets and then realized we didn’t have the right kind of markers to complete this one. However, the girls wanted to make aliens to add to some of the planets.

Which they did gladly!


Our final activity is the electric space car.

First we attach the motor connector to the on off switch.

Then we attach our switch lead to both the battery and motor to complete the connection.

Next we’ll hot glue (we provided this) the motor onto the battery.

And then you’ll also connect your on/off switch.

Now we hot glue the dowels into the bottle caps.

Next we’ll add the straws to the dowels and glue that onto the battery. (Make sure your wheels aren’t touching – as you can see here ours are and we had to go back later to fix it.)

Finally, add the last bit of wheels and you are ALMOST ready to go.

Our final step is to add the propeller and then hit the switch!

This was lots of fun!


So in summary

Presentation: The Club SciKidz Box includes everything we need (and they even separate it to make it easier on us parents) and everything arrives perfectly.

Quality: They do a great job of including experiments and ingredients for those experiments that work. The quality of this subscription box is great.

Curation: We love the themes of the boxes sent by Club SciKidz. This month they pooled together a lot of great activities that really give kids a better sense of not just our sun, but also our solar system and how important the sun is to our solar system. A great month from Club SciKidz!


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