Spice Breeze Subscription Box Review + Unboxing | October 2018

spice breeze review

Spice Breeze is a monthly culinary spice subscription box. Each package comes with unique flavors meant to transport you around the globe. Choose from 2 different subscription options – the Duo which contains 2 pre-chosen spice kits for $5,90 or the Quad which contains 4 spice kits, 2 of which are pre-chosen and 2 of which you choose yourself for $11,85. Not a Tree Reviews received this package at no cost for review purposes.

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Check out the unboxy box video

Here’s the Box Breakdown

Everything that we received in our Spice Breeze Subscription.


So what is all this stuff?


Our first recipe is Couscous auz Sept Legumes which is a dish that hails fro Morocco. This spice kit includes two spice packets and literally translates to couscous with 7 vegetables. We love couscous and think this sounds amazing!

Our spice packs for this kit contain; paprika, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, saffron, cinnamon and cardamom


Next in our packet we have Mkaouara another Moroccan dish. This is a tagine (spiced meat stew that’s made in a special earthenware pot) that contains both meatballs and eggs.

Our spice packets for this recipe include; paprika, cumin, cinnamon, mint, black pepper and cayenne.


Saag Paneer is a dish from India but is now popular in the US. It’s a versatile dish because you can add any greens that you like. This recipe includes lots of paneer (a fresh cheese that is notoriously hard to melt) options.

Our spice blend includes: cumin, coriander, garlic, turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and white pepper.


Finally, we have our Avgolemono which is a Greek Culinary dish. This is a basic chicken soup that is made thick with eggs and given a bright pop of flavor with delicious lemons. The blend of herbs that we received is kind of a twist on the tradition and they also explain how to turn this soup into a pasta dish with ease.

Our spice pack contains; pink pepperberries, chives, lemon, thyme, savory, green peppercorns and lemon crystals. Because we love lemon and we had all these ingredients on hand this is the recipe we decided to create for the month.

First we add our cut chicken, carrot, celery and onion to a pot and season with salt and pepper to taste.

We cook the chicken until it’s done and then remove it from the mixture.

Next we whisk two eggs and two teaspoons of lemon juice together.

Now we mix in broth slowly, one tablespoon at a time. You’ll do this until the mixture is as warm as the broth.

Now you’ll mix your chicken, spice pack, egg mixture, broth, rice or orzo as well as salt and lemon to taste

And voila! We have to say this is a nice break from the traditional chicken soup. The bright pop of lemon is beautiful and we think this is a great dish for a cold day!


So in summary

Presentation: As always everything arrived to us perfectly from Spice Breeze. We also love the way everything looks (particularly the spices) when we open it up.

Quality: Many of their spices are organic which we can appreciate but it’s also a flavorful subscription as well

Curation: We love that you still get the surprise while still choosing a few of the items that you receive. It makes this subscription an awesome one!


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