Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures… Kit #6: Go Boldly Review

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures… Kit #6: Go Boldly Review


Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kit, as the name says, is an outdoor adventure subscription box for kids. They are a local Canadian subscription box designed to encourage children to get outside, explore nature, and have fun!  Inside each kit, you will find high-quality outdoor gear, activities, games, crafts, and a merit pin. Each of their kits delves deep into a different outdoor activity while following the Canadian curriculum and is perfect for homeschooling enrichment.


This box is recommended for ages 8-12 years old


The Subscription Box: Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures

Cost: $39.00

Shipping: $8.00 across Canada

What’s in the box: 

  • Top-notch outdoor equipment for kids
  • Pack-tivities – 3 new activity cards each month to create inspiration with a focus on skill-building and games
  • Craft – instructions, and supplies for a nature-inspired craft
  • Custom Merit Pin – track your adventures each month with custom enamel pins


(This box was sent to SubscriptionBoxes.ca for review purposes and is our honest opinion, please contact us at info at subscriptionboxes.ca if you’d like us to review your box)


Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures Review – Kit #6: Go Boldly

Inside each Wild | Life Adventures kit you will find everything you need to create a new and amazing adventure outside in your backyard or in the backcountry.

This month’s activities include: The Sky is Not the Limit (Exploring Above), Dig Deep (Exploring Below), and Outside In (Exploring Within).

Each of the Pack-tivity cards clips nicely inside your Field Notes journal (from kit #1:Bear Essentials Kit) for future use and to take with you while you are out exploring. Each month there are three tri-fold activity cards.

The activity cards will provide you with many tips and facts about how to use the items and equipment in the kit. Each of these cards provides fun activities and inspiration to get outside as a family and explore the wide world we live in.

#1 The Sky is Not the Limit: All about exploring above. How to use your binoculars (very informative even for an adult!), using your binoculars to see stars and constellations, different phases of the moon and how to make a lunar calendar, and bird-watching information (common Canadian birds and interactive bird identification map app)

#2 Dig Deep: All about exploring below. Understanding the history of our world and ancient civilizations through knowledge of the different types of rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic), observe and learn by collecting your own rocks, how to make an underwater viewer to see the different Canadian Freshwater fish in the lakes and rivers and a backyard bug exploration game.

#3 Outside In: All about exploring within. Becoming an explorer while practicing mindfulness to help see and appreciate your adventures and surroundings, create a sound map about what you hear, collect samples of things you can sketch, target practice with your slingshot, get to know a tree, and all about summit flags.


Our last camping trip of the year was at Upper Lakes in Kananaskis, Alberta. The perfect day for a hike near the lake.


Recommendations: Another exciting Wild Life Outdoor Adventures kit put to good use by our family! So many fun games, educational learning activities, and awesome gear. Our collection of great quality outdoor gear for the kids has been expanding, thanks to these Wild | Life kits. The items that we have been receiving in each Wild | Life box are so awesome that even us parents want to use them all the time. We really do take that backpack from kit #1 on all our outdoor adventures (see the reviews for the other boxes here). Just when we think we have found our favorite outdoor item from one box, the next box has something just as great or better! For me, the binoculars are that item! As a family, we have at least two pairs of binoculars that we have had for well over a decade but used less than a handful of times. I could never see great out of them so didn’t like using them. With the binoculars from this box… I can see everything perfectly! Everything is in focus and they are comfortable to use. I guess you could say these binoculars are now a “staple” for our outdoor adventures. As a family, these boxes continue to blow our minds, month after month.


What Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kits have you tried out?

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures… Kit #4: Take Cover Review

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures… Kit #4: Take Cover Review

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kit, as the name says, is an outdoor adventure subscription box for kids. They are a local Canadian subscription box designed to encourage children to get outside, explore nature, and have fun!  Inside each kit, you will find high-quality outdoor gear, activities, games, crafts, and a merit pin. Each of their kits delves deep into a different outdoor activity while following the Canadian curriculum and is perfect for homeschooling enrichment.


This box is recommended for ages 8-12 years old


The Subscription Box: Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures

Cost: $39.00

Shipping: $8.00 across Canada

What’s in the box: 

  • Top-notch outdoor equipment for kids
  • Pack-tivities – 3 new activity cards each month to create inspiration with focus on skill-building and games
  • Craft – instructions and supplies for a nature-inspired craft
  • Custom Merit Pin – track your adventures each month with custom enamel pins
(This box was sent to SubscriptionBoxes.ca for review purposes and is our honest opinion, please contact us at info at subscriptionboxes.ca if you’d like us to review your box)


Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures Review – Kit #4: Take Cover

Inside each Wild | Life Adventures kit you will find everything you need to create a new and amazing adventure outside in your backyard or in the back-country.

This month’s activities include: Wild Shelters, Tarp Master, and Base Camp.

Each of the Pack-tivity cards clips nicely inside your Field Notes journal (from kit #1:Bear Essentials Kit) for future use and to take with you while you are out exploring. Each month there are three tri-fold activity cards.

The activity cards will provide you with many tips and facts about how to use the items and equipment in the kit. Each of these cards provides fun activities and inspiration to get outside as a family and explore the wide world we live in.

#1 Wild Shelters: Learn about animal shelters, where the best place to build your own shelter, about debris hunts, and fun did-you-know facts.

#2 Tarp Master: Different ways to rig up a tarp, tie a taut-line knot, a step-by-set guide to setting up your tarp shelter, fun games to play out in nature, and how to tell how much daylight is left using your hand.

#3 Base Camp: Creative ideas to use your imagination and some decorations for your shelter: lights, lanterns, creating a communication device out of tin cans, extra protection from the elements, a welcome sign, painted rocks, or building a trellis. Did you know facts and great card game ideas.

Enjoying the last weekend of warm summer camping, until the snow came. Staying up late to check out the tarp tent in the dark and craft glow stick toilet paper animal eyes for their camp (idea from Kit #2: Into the Night)

Recommendations: My husband and I cannot believe how amazing the Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kits are! Each box is very well thought out, with a great mixture of crafts, facts, and learning while getting outside in nature. We have received a few different Wild | Life Outdoor Adventure boxes to review over the last few months and are constantly blowin’ away! (See the reviews for the other boxes here.) My kids and their friend had so much fun with this box on our recent camping trip in Kananaskis, Alberta. Upon arrival at the campsite, they immediately set up their tarp (with some help) and continued building and playing in their homemade camp over the course of the weekend. They were constantly using items and building crafts from this kit and their past kits. I love how each of these kits builds on the previous kits adding more useful outdoor gear to our collection each time. I do wish that I could purchase a sibling add-on kit or some of the gear separately (such as a second tarp, headlamp, backpack, or other main items). I’m not sure who loves the Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kits more… Mom and Dad, or the kids?!


What Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kits have you tried out?

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures… Kit #2: Into the Night Review

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures… Kit #2: Into the Night Review

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kit, as the name says, is an outdoor adventure subscription box for kids. They are a local Canadian subscription box designed to encourage children to get outside, explore nature, and have fun!  Inside each kit, you will find high-quality outdoor gear, activities, games, crafts, and a merit pin. Each of their kits delves deep into a different outdoor activity while following the Canadian curriculum.


This box is recommended for ages 8-12 years old


The Subscription Box: Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures

Cost: $39.00

Shipping: $8.00 across Canada

What’s in the box: 

  • Top-notch outdoor equipment for kids
  • Pack-tivities – 3 new activity cards each month to create inspiration with a focus on skill-building and games
  • Craft – instructions, and supplies for a nature-inspired craft
  • Custom Merit Pin – track your adventures each month with custom enamel pins


For Kits – FREE shipping on your first kit with code BTSKIT2020 (Sale until Sunday, August 30th, 2020)
For Apparel – 15% off all apparel BTSAPPAREL2020 (Sale on until Sunday, August 30th, 2020)
(This box was sent to SubscriptionBoxes.ca for review purposes and is our honest opinion, please contact us at info at subscriptionboxes.ca if you’d like us to review your box)


Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures Review – Kit #2: Into the Night 

Inside each Wild | Life Adventures kit you will find everything you need to create a new and amazing adventure outside in your backyard or in the back-country.

This month’s activities include: Using the Night Sky, Nocturnal Nature, and Play in the Dark

Each of the Pack-tivity cards clips nicely inside your Field Notes journal (from kit #1:Bear Essentials Kit) for future use and to take with you while you are out exploring. Each month there are three tri-fold activity cards.

The activity cards will provide you with many tips and facts about how to use the items and equipment in the kit. Each of these cards provides fun activities and inspiration to get outside as a family and explore the wide world we live in.

#1 Using the Night Sky: A step-by-step guide to using your new star wheel to find constellations. The fun activities include: Let’s Find the North Star, Star Crafter, Seeing Stars, and some fun ‘Did you know’ facts.

#2 Prepare Your Pack: Steps to follow to go on a nighttime nature walk looking for nocturnal animals. The activities included are differences in seasonal nocturnal animals, what to look for, and fun activities for different times of the year.

#3 Play in the Dark: Cool did you know facts! A step-by-step guide to a flashlight hidden message hunt. The fun activities included are: make your own eyeshine, winter snow monsters, glow-in-the-dark bowling, and did you know facts, such as a life hack for extending your glowsticks!


Stargazing on a beautiful clear summer night in Dinosaur Provincial Park and hunting for dinosaur fossils in the dark!

Recommendations: My kids were thrilled when this subscription box arrived in the mail for them! Our whole family loved the first box (Kit #1: Bear Essentials Review) and we still use our backpack every time we head out for a coulee walk or to the mountains. This box is just as amazing, maybe even more amazing because of the fun activities that we can do as a family on our upcoming camping trip to Dinosaur Provincial Park. The thought and attention to detail that goes into curating this box and all its contents are beyond what I would have expected. Inside each box, there is at least one high-quality multipurpose item and many other extra fun items and facts that add so much to the experience. Within each box, you can go into as much depth as you want, from a basic understanding of the concepts to learning everything and doing all the activities within the kit. That’s what makes it great for a variety of ages! With many families choosing to homeschool this year, these boxes are great for supplementing their learning while getting your kids outside to have fun and explore nature!

What Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kits have you tried out?

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures… Kit #1: Bear Essentials Review

Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kit, as the name says, is an outdoor adventure subscription box for kids. They are a local Canadian subscription box designed to encourage children to get outside, explore nature, and have fun!  Inside each kit, you will find high-quality outdoor gear, activities, games, crafts, and a merit pin.


This box is recommended for ages 8-12 years old


The Subscription Box: Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures

Cost: $39.00

Shipping: $8.00 across Canada

What’s in the box: 

  • Top-notch outdoor equipment for kids
  • Pack-tivities – 3 new activity cards each month to create inspiration with a focus on skill-building and games
  • Craft – instructions, and supplies for a nature-inspired craft
  • Custom Merit Pin – track your adventures each month with custom enamel pins


Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures Review

Inside each Wild | Life Adventures kit you will find everything you need to create a new and amazing adventure outside in your backyard or in the backcountry.

This month’s activities include: Gear Up, Prepare Your Pack, and Take a Hike

Each of the Pack-tivity cards clips nicely inside your Field Notes journal for future use and to take with you while you are out exploring. Each month there are three tri-fold activity cards.

The activity cards will provide you with many tips and facts about how to use the items and equipment in the kit. Each of these cards provides fun activities and inspiration to get outside as a family and explore the wide world we live in.

#1 Gear Up: A checklist for packing essentials and tips about clothing choices, where items go in your backpack, a calculator for how much water to bring, and how heavy your bag should be.

#2 Prepare Your Pack: A step-by-step guide to adjusting your backpack to ensure that it fits properly and is comfortable. The activities included are: creating a nature time capsule with step-by-step instructions to open in 5 years, making a wild copy of a piece of nature, and a hidden name game.

#3 Take a Hike: Following all the tips and lists you learned in the previous activity cards you are now preparing for a hike: find a partner, choose a hike, and gear up! Learn about hiking etiquette.  The activities included are seed socks to help notice how seeds travel around and fun games while hiking (hide and seek: trail edition, close encounter, and trail songs).


Recommendations: My family loves getting outside and exploring nature! My husband lives for the mountains and takes every opportunity to teach our kids about them that he can get. When we go out for hikes, bike rides, or camping our conversations are very much centered around nature and its beauty. My kids live for facts…the more information the better! So when I received this Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kit I knew the whole family would love it!

I couldn’t believe how fun this box is! The pack-able backpack is sure to be used on every outing we take and I’m sure both my kids will be wanting to finally carry their own items (thank you!). I was amazed at the quality and how functional the backpack is. It is such a brilliant design and probably one of the coolest and most useful items that I have got in a subscription box. The field notes journal and activity cards are so practical and for my child that loves learning, I know she will spend many hours reading and learning how to pack her backpack properly and will make sure that, when the snow finally melts, we will try out some of the activities in our own community ravine. I love that each of the items is for kids and also very durable and I have no doubt that they will last for years to come!

I would recommend the Wild | Life Outdoor Adventures kit for any child that enjoys learning, being outdoors, or needs more encouragement to get outdoors and have fun! This box would make a perfect non-toy gift to give to any child! I cannot wait to see what is in the future boxes!


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